Masbate Peace Caravan for Clean Elections a Success

Monday, April 12th, 2010

LEGAZPI CITY, April 7  - A caravan for peaceful and credible elections was successfully held in Masbate on Monday.

Various sectors in the island province joined the multi-sectoral caravan, a ranking official of the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Bikol said Wednesday.

The Masbate Advocates for Peace (MAPs), a multi-sectoral group composed of members from the business, academe, youth and religious sectors, and people's organizations, in close coordination with the Task Force Masbate (TFM), participated in the first leg of a series of caravans for peace in Masbate.

The peace caravan led by the MAP and Chief Supt. Cecilio Calleja, Jr. Bicol police director took off from Masbate City and ended in Mobo town covering a 60-km stretch with 40 vehicles and 70 motorcycle-riding participants.

The caravan cruised the major streets from Masbate City to Mobo town and vice versa converging at grounds of the St. Anthony de Padua Cathedral Parish Church in Masbate City.

The caravan carried the theme: "Katoninongan para sa Kinabukasan" (Peace for the Future).

Senior Superintendent Eddie Benigay, Masbate provincial police director, said he is hopeful that the peace caravan would end the culture of violence especially during election period in this province considered as an election hot spot.

Determined to put an end to the culture of violence and fear in this island province, authorities here shifted to high gear their campaign against loose firearms and political armed groups.

With the start of the local political campaign last week, strict enforcement of the gun ban by members of Task Force Masbate (TFM) has been accelerated following the arrest of 48 violators and the seizure of 45 high and low powered firearms since January 10, this year.

Benigay disclosed that 24, or half of those arrested for gun ban violation were confirmed members of partisan armed groups (PAGs) who are under the payroll of their patron-politicians.

He said six PAGs are on their watch list, two of which were validated to have been employed by local political clans here.

The TFM has in its custody 45 confiscated firearms, of which 22 were high powered firearms and 23 were hand guns, both of which were powered with 531 assorted ammunition.

The high caliber firearms include: KG9, Ingram, M16, M14, shotgun rifles, 45 handguns, 357 pistols, and cal .38 pistols. (PNA)