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Superbody formed to curb environmental abuse in Masbate

MASBATE CITY, Masbate (July 15, 2011) - A superbody that shall manage the utilization of the natural resources of this island province was launched by the provincial government in the face of reported rampant abuse of its marine, forest and mineral resources.

An executive order issued by Masbate Governor Rizalina Seachon-Lanete creates the Provincial Organization for Socio-Economic Development and Against Crime (POSDAC) that aims to counter widespread theft of marine products and minerals,including illegal logging.

POSDAC shall include key officials of the Philippine National Police, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Provincial Planning and Development Office and non-government organizations.

Three strike teams shall be formed under the supervision of POSDAC - task force on illegal fishing, task force on illegal mining and task force on illegal logging.

POSDAC shall be directly accountable to the governor.

In a speech, Lanete expressed optimism that POSDAC shall curb the abuse of Masbate's natural wealth while keeping the momentum of progress going.