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NUJP CAMSUR reiterates call for justice for slain broadcasters

NABUA, Camarines Sur (Nov 29, 2011) – Cause-oriented journalist organization, the National Union of Journalist of the Philippines (NUJP) Camarines Sur chapter has reiterated its call demanding justice for the slaying of two broadcast journalists in this town early this year and in 2010.

During simple rites held at the Nabua Church to recall the victims of the “Maguindanao Massacre,” NUJP, Camarines Sur chapter president Mark Rodriguez reiterated the call to solve the murders of two broadcasters of DWEB-FM – Mile Belen and Mike Olea.

Calling an “end to impunity” and justice to victims of media killings, NUJP members attended a mass and lit candles for the 32 journalists who were slain in Ampatuan, Maguindanao two years ago.

Rodriguez said that a pattern emerging from the killings of Mike Belen after the national elections in 2010 and Mike Olea early this year, considered the first cases of aggression against practicing journalists in Camarines Sur, has sent chills to other media practitioners here.

Recently, families of the victims have expressed their hopelessnes after the Iriga City police said that the murders have remained unsolved because of absence of vital witnesses.

The NUJP Camarines Sur chapter was organized in October this year in response to the clamor of local journalists that a credible media organization be formed, not only for social comraderie but also to address the need for continued media education and upholding the good values in community journalism.

NUJP in Cam. Sur has 20 active members consisting of correspondents of national dailies based in Naga City and broadcast journalists in Iriga City and the town of Nabua. (SONNY SALES)