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Evangelist Will Graham on 4-day Stint in Bikol

Naga City (April 29 2011) – At a press conference with the Bikol media held at the Avenue Plaza Hotel yesterday, Will Graham, the 36 year old American evangelist, said that the only message that he would like to bring to the Filipinos is that God loves us all.

The preacher is in Naga City for a four-day "Celebration of Hope" concert that kicked off yesterday at the Freedom Stadium at San Jose, Pili Camarines Sur before a crowd of thousands.

The concert lasts until May 1 and is admission-free to everyone. Famous movie stars and singers are expected to join Graham.

Before going to Bicol, Will Graham paid a courtesy call to P-Noy at Malacañang.

Gamely revealing some of his thoughts to the local media, Graham says that if the Reproductive Health Bill will help the people, it is our duty to pray for divine enlightenment for the President and the members of the Philippine congress.

On Catholicism, he says that he admires the leadership of the Pope.

Asked about the beatification of John Paul II on May 1, he confesses he is ignorant about the process.

On the royal wedding of William and Kate that takes place today in the United Kingdom, Graham admits that he is more interested in the fight of Manny Pacquiao on May 8.