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A CCMF-Bikol story


“At least I am paying for a house and a lot that I can own forever. By then if time comes and I left my family I have something that I can l bestow unto my two sons.” This was the statement given by Mr. Jaime San Luis during his interview on February 2, 2010.

“Tiyo Jim” as he was fondly known among his friends was a visionary. He was married to Rosita San Luis and together, they raised 4 children. In 2008, his family was among the first batch that moved to Chito Community in Pacol.  It was a bold move, considering that they had to relocate. But Tiyo Jim knew it was for the better.

In 2009, he was president of Vicente Heights Homeowners Association.  As president, He implemented and organized the very first Kids for Christ in Chito Community. He was also active in Vicente Heights Homeowners Pastoral Council. On July 10, 2011,  

Tiyo Jim has passed away because of myocardial infraction.

According to his wife, Rose, her husband had foreseen that his heart disease might soon claim his life. Tiyo Jim would persistently ask her that instead of securing money for his operation, she must pay first his insurance premium. He was adamant about this, saying that because it was very essential for their family.

In Chito Community, Madrigal Foundation,  beneficiaries are required to secure a life insurance that would cover their outstanding obligation in case of death of the breadwinner. This assures the heirs that they would no longer worry about the monthly dues. Madrigal Foundation believes that this is one way of empowering families and ensuring their right to ownership. This requirement has benefitted Tiyo Jim’s family.

Even though he is gone now, Tiyo Jim left a legacy that can be treasured by his family forever. It may be a bitter sweet reward, but it enabled Tiyo Jim to take care of his family even beyond his life. His heirs received the insurance release and satisfaction of claim on September 2, 2011 and by October 1, the Consuelo “Chito” Madrigal Foundation –Bikol, Inc. awarded the Certificate of Full Payment and Ownership.

In the message given by Mrs. Rose she said “At this very moment I feel that my husband is contented for the reason that all he ever wanted is for us to reside in a house that we own.”

Indeed, sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.