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Content about Rome

July 6, 2011

ROME, JULY 3, 2011.- Sexual discrimination isn't limited to the workplace. In many countries around the world unborn baby girls are being singled out for elimination.

ROME, JULY 3, 2011.- Sexual discrimination isn't limited to the workplace. In many countries around the world unborn baby girls are being singled out for elimination.

Journalist Mara Hvistendahl chronicles the origins and extent of this in "Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, And the Consequences of a World Full of Men," (Public Affairs).

January 11, 2011

Brother Philip Pinto, who heads the Congregation of Christian Brothers, says religious life in its traditional sense is “dying” across the world, but wants people to accept the process as part of God’s plan.

Brother Philip Pinto, who heads the Congregation of Christian Brothers, says religious life in its traditional sense is “dying” across the world, but wants people to accept the process as part of God’s plan.

A new lease of life to Religious life would come from lay initiatives, asserts the Indian Brother, who is now in his second six-year term as the superior general.

December 29, 2010

Dear brothers and sisters listening to me here in Rome and throughout the world, I joyfully proclaim the message of Christmas: God became man; he came to dwell among us. God is not distant: he is "Emmanuel", God-with-us. He is no stranger: he has a face, the face of Jesus.

Verbum caro factum est" – "The Word became flesh" (Jn 1:14).

Dear brothers and sisters listening to me here in Rome and throughout the world, I joyfully proclaim the message of Christmas: God became man; he came to dwell among us. God is not distant: he is "Emmanuel", God-with-us. He is no stranger: he has a face, the face of Jesus.

December 29, 2010

The pope’s message to the cardinals sitting around him at the Vatican may be a worthwhile call to reflection for those old men. But, if as they trooped out of the Sala Regia, they looked through some of those windows that Pope John XXIII opened to the world they may have seen that there are rays of sunlight out there.

Each year, the pope gives Christmas greetings to the leaders of the Roman Curia. This year, referring to the expanding scandal of the sexual abuse of children by clergy that was covered up and facilitated by bishops and superiors and until recently pooh-poohed by Rome, Pope Benedict told them, “We must ask ourselves what was wrong in our proclamation, in our whole way of living the Christian life, to allow such a thing to happen.”