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Content about Barack Obama

October 23, 2011

SIRTE, Libya – Dragged from hiding in a drainage pipe, a wounded Moammar Gadhafi raised his hands and begged revolutionary fighters: “Don’t shoot, don’t kill me, my sons.”

Within an hour, he was dead, but not before jubilant Libyans had vented decades of hatred by pulling the eccentric dictator’s hair and parading his bloodied body on the hood of a truck...

SIRTE, Libya – Dragged from hiding in a drainage pipe, a wounded Moammar Gadhafi raised his hands and begged revolutionary fighters: “Don’t shoot, don’t kill me, my sons.”

Within an hour, he was dead, but not before jubilant Libyans had vented decades of hatred by pulling the eccentric dictator’s hair and parading his bloodied body on the hood of a truck.

August 5, 2011

The US congress passed a debt ceiling bill, signed by Barack Obama on Tuesday, that will permit the US government to borrow more money, preventing a default on bond payments. The bill passed the House of Representatives by 269-161, and the Senate by 74-26, with opposition from Tea Party Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The US congress passed a debt ceiling bill, signed by Barack Obama on Tuesday, that will permit the US government to borrow more money, preventing a default on bond payments. The bill passed the House of Representatives by 269-161, and the Senate by 74-26, with opposition from Tea Party Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The bill calls for $2.1 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years, and stipulates that a 12-member committee that will identify ways to reduce spending by November. No new revenues will be raised.

August 5, 2011

The US congress passed a debt ceiling bill, signed by Barack Obama on Tuesday, that will permit the US government to borrow more money, preventing a default on bond payments. The bill passed the House of Representatives by 269-161, and the Senate by 74-26, with opposition from Tea Party Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The US congress passed a debt ceiling bill, signed by Barack Obama on Tuesday, that will permit the US government to borrow more money, preventing a default on bond payments. The bill passed the House of Representatives by 269-161, and the Senate by 74-26, with opposition from Tea Party Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The bill calls for $2.1 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years, and stipulates that a 12-member committee that will identify ways to reduce spending by November. No new revenues will be raised.

June 19, 2011

Ahead of Father's Day, President Barack Obama took time out from heavy rhetorics and devoted his regular Saturday radio and Internet adress to a universally domestic concern - fatherhood.

WASHINGTON – Ahead of Father's Day, President Barack Obama took time out from heavy rhetorics and devoted his regular Saturday radio and Internet adress to a universally domestic concern - fatherhood.

But for Obama, fatherhood is not simple or trivial calling it being sometimes his hardest job - but the most rewarding.

June 19, 2011

Ahead of Father's Day, President Barack Obama took time out from heavy rhetorics and devoted his regular Saturday radio and Internet adress to a universally domestic concern - fatherhood.

WASHINGTON – Ahead of Father's Day, President Barack Obama took time out from heavy rhetorics and devoted his regular Saturday radio and Internet adress to a universally domestic concern - fatherhood.

But for Obama, fatherhood is not simple or trivial calling it being sometimes his hardest job - but the most rewarding.

June 10, 2011

TRIPOLI, Libya(AP) – NATO airstrikes rattled the Libyan capital Thursday with clusters of bombing runs believed to have targeted the outskirts of Tripoli.

TRIPOLI, Libya(AP) – NATO airstrikes rattled the Libyan capital Thursday with clusters of bombing runs believed to have targeted the outskirts of Tripoli.

The intensity of the attacks suggested a return to the kind of heavy NATO bombardment that hit military installations across the capital on Tuesday and flattened major buildings in leader Moammar Gadhafi's sprawling compound in the center of the city. Government officials did not say what had been targeted in the Thursday bombing runs.

May 19, 2011

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said as part of a comprehensive immigration reform, families should be reunited more quickly instead of keeping them apart

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said as part of a comprehensive immigration reform, families should be reunited more quickly instead of keeping them apart, a proposal which resonated strongly with Filipino immigrants whose waiting time to petition loved ones to join them in the US is among the longest.

May 19, 2011

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said as part of a comprehensive immigration reform, families should be reunited more quickly instead of keeping them apart

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said as part of a comprehensive immigration reform, families should be reunited more quickly instead of keeping them apart, a proposal which resonated strongly with Filipino immigrants whose waiting time to petition loved ones to join them in the US is among the longest.

May 3, 2011

MANILA, Philippines – Leaving no room for complacency despite the death of the world’s most-wanted  terrorist, President Aquino ordered yesterday the military and police to be on full alert for possible reprisal attacks from Osama Bin Laden’s sympathizers in the country.

MANILA, Philippines – Leaving no room for complacency despite the death of the world’s most-wanted  terrorist, President Aquino ordered yesterday the military and police to be on full alert for possible reprisal attacks from Osama Bin Laden’s sympathizers in the country.

“The death of Osama bin Laden marks a signal defeat for the forces of extremism and terrorism,” Aquino said in a statement.

May 2, 2011

MANILA, Philippines – Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion outside Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, following a joint operation of the United States military and Pakistani forces few hours ago.

MANILA, Philippines – Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion outside Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, following a joint operation of the United States military and Pakistani forces few hours ago.

The death of the notorious al-Qaeda leader came almost 10 years after the US government spearheaded the manhunt operation against him following the 9/11 attack, leaving nearly 3,000 Americans dead.

May 2, 2011

The almost decade long manhunt for Osama bin Laden ends in a mansion at the outskirt of Islamabad. US President Barack Obama announces that elite U.S. forces attacked and killed Osama bin Laden. The president also praises the bravery of the US soldiers who carried out the dangerous mission.

The almost decade long manhunt for Osama bin Laden ends in a mansion at the outskirt of Islamabad. US President Barack Obama announces that elite U.S. forces attacked and killed Osama bin Laden. The president also praises the bravery of the US soldiers who carried out the dangerous mission.

May 2, 2011

The almost decade long manhunt for Osama bin Laden ends in a mansion at the outskirt of Islamabad. US President Barack Obama announces that elite U.S. forces attacked and killed Osama bin Laden. The president also praises the bravery of the US soldiers who carried out the dangerous mission.

The almost decade long manhunt for Osama bin Laden ends in a mansion at the outskirt of Islamabad. US President Barack Obama announces that elite U.S. forces attacked and killed Osama bin Laden. The president also praises the bravery of the US soldiers who carried out the dangerous mission.

November 8, 2010

US President Barack Obama brought hope to the American people amid the deep economic crisis confronting what is supposedly the biggest and strongest nation in the world. He ran under the banner of change. And the American people propelled him to power in an unprecendented manner, in a mass movement of sorts where volunteers turned out en masse to raise funds and take on campaign tasks.

US President Barack Obama brought hope to the American people amid the deep economic crisis confronting what is supposedly the biggest and strongest nation in the world. He ran under the banner of change. And the American people propelled him to power in an unprecendented manner, in a mass movement of sorts where volunteers turned out en masse to raise funds and take on campaign tasks.

November 8, 2010

US President Barack Obama brought hope to the American people amid the deep economic crisis confronting what is supposedly the biggest and strongest nation in the world. He ran under the banner of change. And the American people propelled him to power in an unprecendented manner, in a mass movement of sorts where volunteers turned out en masse to raise funds and take on campaign tasks.

US President Barack Obama brought hope to the American people amid the deep economic crisis confronting what is supposedly the biggest and strongest nation in the world. He ran under the banner of change. And the American people propelled him to power in an unprecendented manner, in a mass movement of sorts where volunteers turned out en masse to raise funds and take on campaign tasks.