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Articles by this author:

  • MORE THAN 80% of the general populace have some form of gum disease, varying on location and severity. At its earliest phase, your gums might swell and bleed easily or in worst cases, you might end up losing your teeth. The bottom line in today’s topic is, if you want to keep your teeth in place, you must take care of your gums as well. Most individuals only give importance to their teeth not thinking that their gums also play an important function in the survival of the dentition.

  • ONE of the most difficult and embarrassing topics to discuss among friends, family members and co-workers, is bad breath( technically known as Halitosis).What are the causes of bad breath? Nearly half of the population admits to occassional halitosis and ninety percent of cases of foul breath begins in the mouth. Poor brushing and flossing habits leads to the presence of oral cavities, dental plaque, and periodontal (gum) disease which are the basic causes of foul breath.

  • WHAT gives your teeth the best clean- manual or electric? It depends on how conscientious you are. A manual tooth brushing is fine if you are skilled in the art of brushing. Sadly, “probably only 10% of people know how to brush their teeth properly,” says Dr. Rod Marshall of Australia’s University of Queensland. If you brush under sufferance, or do not have a lot of time, an electric brush may be the better choice – it can deliver a polished smile in two minutes, half the time of a manual brush. Electrics can also motivate kids to brush regularly.

  • MY PREVIOUS COLUMNS dealt with facts and tips in maintaining good oral hygiene in relation to fighting periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis). In the past, oral health has been associated only with the mouth. However, new research has found that the advanced stage of gum disease which is Periodontitis is linked with heart problems, such as heart diasease  and stroke.

  • Do hot or cold drinks, ice cream, breathing cold air, or just brushing your teeth cause you pain? Then most certainly, you have sensitive teeth. Usually tooth hypersensitivity presents as temporary tooth discomfort or pain after eating cold foods, drinking cold liquids or just by breathing cold air. For millions of people, sensitive teeth can make favorite hot or cold foods impossible to enjoy due to the pain  and discomfort associated with tooth sensitivity. Research reveals that one in three adults suffer from sensitive teeth.

  • CALCIUM has long been acknowledged for its role in the prevention of Osteoporosis but also in its role in making our teeth more strong and healthy. A study released by the School of Dental Medicine of the State University of New York under the Journal of Periodontology (gum diseases) has demonstrated that calcium-rich foods  may also help in preventing tooth loss that occurs in aging.