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MANILA, Feb. 15, 2011—Thousands of young people across Metro Manila are expected to gather for a candid discussion of pro life issues on February 27, from 1:00- 5:30 p.m. at the Mall of Asia’s SMX Convention Center.

Around 10,000 teenagers from all over the metropolis are attending the event dubbed “Real Love Revolution” organized by Catalyst, a student organization based at the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P).

The event comes at the heels of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ pastoral letter titled “Choosing Life, Rejecting RH Bill” issued last January 31, 2011.

Ed Sorreta of Pro-Life Philippines and Jason Evert of “Romance Without Regret” fame will be the affair’s principal speakers on life and love, chastity and sexuality. Evert has been going around the United States giving talks to more than 100,000 young people every year.

Chairman of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life and San Fernando, Pampanga Archbishop Paciano B. Aniceto will preside over a concelebrated Mass with San Fernando Auxiliary Bishop and CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth Vice Chair Roberto Mallari. The world-famous Madrigal Singers will provide the solemn music for the Mass.

Among Catalyst’s partners are the Couples for Christ and the diocesan youth commissions. Interested participants may get their tickets from the Catalyst of the University of Asia and the Pacific at telephone numbers 6370912 local 277 or call 09088648491. More details can be accessed at Facebook “Pro-Life Youth Conference:Jason Evert at SMS.“ (CBCPNews)