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Mayors League urged to stay neutral on CAMSUR partition

Mayor Gil Basmayor, Jr. of Minalabac, Camarines Sur
Mayor Gil Basmayor, Jr. of Minalabac, Camarines Sur

MINALABAC Camarines Sur (July 7, 2011) – Amid the heated debate on whether or not to carve a new province out of Camarines Sur, the municipal mayors agreed among themselves not to drag the League of Municipalities as an organization into the fray.

This is how Mayor Gil Basmayor, Jr. of Minalabac summarized the decision reached during an emergency meeting of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) Camarines Sur chapter.

Basmayor added that individual mayors are free to advocate their position, whether pro or anti, as long as no attempt is done to force the organization to make a unified stand either way. He said he reminded league president Mayor Rey Lacoste of Buhi to spare the organization from political interests either endorsing or opposing the move.

“The league is not united in its opinion about the proposed division of the province but member mayors can freely exercise their stand about it,’ Basmayor said. (With reports from Noriel Oya)