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Australian woman auctions her 2 kids at eBay

CANBERRA (Xinhua) -- An Australian woman is being investigated by police after she offered her children for sale on the Internet, local media reported on Sunday.

The woman placed an auction on eBay offering to sell two children, her son and daughter, both under the age of 10, to the highest bidder.

Several people placed bids on the auction, which has alarmed authorities.

Police has closed the auction and tracked the woman down, but she told detectives she was only joking.

Bill Muehlenberg from the Family Council of Victoria said it is no laughing matter.

"Plenty of children, certainly around this age, are struggling with issues of identity and self-worth and so on," he was quoted by the ABC News on Sunday.

"To know that your own parent has put you up on offer like a used CD is a bit of a concern and certainly could have some negative impacts on the children in question."

The Victorian police decided not to press charges against the mum, but the Department of Human Services is continuing its investigation into the family, and there is possibility that the woman's children could be taken into permanent care.