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26th World Youth Day

The celebration of the 26th World Youth Day (WYD) officially ended last August 21, 2011, Sunday. A solemn celebration of the Holy Eucharist at ten o'clock in the morning officiated by the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, capped the momentous event. Attended by more than two million pilgrims from all over the world, the mass was held at Cuatro Vientos Air Base, Madrid, Spain.

In his homily, the Holy Father asked, "Who is Christ really?" According to the Gospel of Matthew, there are two ways with which to know Christ. First is through the opinions of others, which brings forth an impersonal knowledge of Him. Second is through a personal relationship with Christ. And just like Peter, on whose faith the Church is built, Jesus asks the people of today, "Who do you say I am?"

As the Holy Father challenges the pilgrims at Cuatro Vientos to give an answer, he also encourages them to "respond with generosity and courage". Faith, which has been handed down from generation to generation, goes hand in hand with discipleship. "Since faith involves following the Master, it must become constantly stronger, deeper and more mature, to the extent that it leads to a closer and more intense relationship with Jesus." Thus, the Holy Father urges everyone present and listening to live Christ-centered lives and to grow firm in faith, which is the theme of the WYD today.

In addition, another important element of faith mentioned by the Holy Father is its celebration in communion with others. "Following Jesus in faith means walking at his side in communion with the Church. We cannot follow Jesus on our own. I ask you, dear friends, to love the Church which brought you to birth in faith, which helped you to grow in the knowledge of Christ and which led you to discover the beauty of his love. Growing in friendship with Christ necessarily means recognizing the importance of joyful participation in the life of your parishes, communities and movements, as well as the celebration of Sunday Mass, frequent reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the cultivation of personal prayer and meditation on God's word."

Thus in his final remarks, the Holy Father challenged the youth of today to be "bold witnesses of Christian living", to serve as "beacons of hope", as they go back to their respective countries, parishes and communities. "In this way, you will give birth to new Christians and will help the Church grow strongly in the hearts of many others. Fix your eyes on Jesus. God bless all of you until we meet again!"

As announced, the 27th World Youth Day will be in Rio de Janiero, Brazil and is set to be on July 2013.

Natalie Hazel P. Quimlat
(054) 811-6608; 0908-894-2523

"To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting." - E.E. Cummings