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Content about Hacienda

November 24, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (Nov 24, 2011) – The family President Benigno Aquino III's shall soon find themselves landless as the Supreme Court orders the distribution of the Cojuangco-owned 4,915.75-hectare Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac to over 6,000 farmer workers-beneficiaries of the sugar estate.

The SC, in the 56-page ruling obtained by The Star last night, recalled and set aside the option granted to the farmers to remain as stockholders of Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI).

MANILA, Philippines (Nov 24, 2011) – The family President Benigno Aquino III's shall soon find themselves landless as the Supreme Court orders the distribution of the Cojuangco-owned 4,915.75-hectare Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac to over 6,000 farmer workers-beneficiaries of the sugar estate.

The SC, in the 56-page ruling obtained by The Star last night, recalled and set aside the option granted to the farmers to remain as stockholders of Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI).

July 11, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (July 11, 2011) – The Solicitor General (SOLGEN) and the Agrarian Reform Secretary are in unenviable position as they take on the family of their boss, the President of the Republic, in defense of the government and the farmers of Hacienda Luisita.

MANILA, Philippines (July 11, 2011) – The Solicitor General (SOLGEN) and the Agrarian Reform Secretary are in unenviable position as they take on the family of their boss, the President of the Republic, in defense of the government and the farmers of Hacienda Luisita.