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August 23, 2012

“Secretary,” I greeted Jesse Robredo when I bumped into him after the 2010 Magsaysay Awards ceremonies on August 31, 2010, at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in Pasay City.

We shook hands, and he joked that he had to “escape” or “maenot na ako” (go ahead) for his next appointment.

As usual he was unassuming although by then had made it from city mayor to a high cabinet official already. He remained friendly as ever.

“Secretary,” I greeted Jesse Robredo when I bumped into him after the 2010 Magsaysay Awards ceremonies on August 31, 2010, at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in Pasay City.

We shook hands, and he joked that he had to “escape” or “maenot na ako” (go ahead) for his next appointment.

As usual he was unassuming although by then had made it from city mayor to a high cabinet official already. He remained friendly as ever.

Indeed, it is sad that tragedy befell his rush to his next engagement.

August 12, 2012

In our fight against evil, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't know," an old saying goes. And this is sadly what appears of PNoy now who seemed at first to be the "good guy" as opposed to then president GMA. But he has now exposed himself as the one we didn't know to be baluktot.

Take for instance PNoy's ramming through of the RH Bill in Congress to end all debates. When a leader stifles discussion and dialogue, that's the start of dictatorship and totalitarianism. Add to that his being "pikon" with media already. No great leader in history ever muzzled freedom of speech and expression. Those who tried dug their own graves to ignominy.

In our fight against evil, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't know," an old saying goes. And this is sadly what appears of PNoy now who seemed at first to be the "good guy" as opposed to then president GMA. But he has now exposed himself as the one we didn't know to be baluktot.

August 12, 2012

On August 6, Congress voted viva voce to end debates on the RH Bill or House Bill No. 4244, “An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and For Other Purposes.”

While the voting was originally scheduled for Aug. 7, it was rushed on Aug. 6, after members of congress were summoned to Malacañan. President Aquino reportedly told them to end all the talking. Thus, they voted quickly back in Congress that same day.

The RH Bill is couched in innocent-looking motherhood statements repetitive of established norms like gender equality, maternal health, or non-discrimination. But, it is actually built on a deceptive framework.


On August 6, Congress voted viva voce to end debates on the RH Bill or House Bill No. 4244, “An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and For Other Purposes.”

While the voting was originally scheduled for Aug. 7, it was rushed on Aug. 6, after members of congress were summoned to Malacañan. President Aquino reportedly told them to end all the talking. Thus, they voted quickly back in Congress that same day.

August 1, 2012

President Noynoy Aquino is almost halfway through his 6-year term. But despite all his rhetoric during his third SONA on July 23, he is beginning to appear like a lame duck president.

Yes, it's the 2013 elections that everyone's looking forward to now, in preparation for 2016.

Life for most Filipinos has been the same anyway even with PNoy in Malacañan Palace since he took office in 2010. Take for example Quirino highway, which is our major road link to and from Manila. Its sorry state compared to SLEX or NLEX or SCTEX is res ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself) of the utter neglect of Bikol under PNoy.

President Noynoy Aquino is almost halfway through his 6-year term. But despite all his rhetoric during his third SONA on July 23, he is beginning to appear like a lame duck president.

Yes, it's the 2013 elections that everyone's looking forward to now, in preparation for 2016.

July 24, 2012

When President Noynoy Aquino or PNoy assumed office in 2010, he vowed to eradicate the so-called Wang-Wang mentality in government through his much ballyhooed Tuwid na Daan.

But recently, a lowly policeman found himself in the hot seat and the target of vengeful actions by the entire forces of government when he unwittingly blocked the presidential convoy.

Unfortunately, what was entirely missed in that incident was the question why should the president have priority over other roads users, especially private citizens like you and me. For is it not our democratic bedrock principle that no one is above the law?

Of course, we make way for emergencies and other similar situations. But what if PNoy were even just out for a date?

When President Noynoy Aquino or PNoy assumed office in 2010, he vowed to eradicate the so-called Wang-Wang mentality in government through his much ballyhooed Tuwid na Daan.

But recently, a lowly policeman found himself in the hot seat and the target of vengeful actions by the entire forces of government when he unwittingly blocked the presidential convoy.

June 26, 2012

Unknown to most peoples of ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam) there is now an on-going regional effort to come up with an "ASEAN Human Rights Declaration" or AHRD. Tasked with this initiative is the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).

The AICHR first convened for the AHRD early this year on Jan. 8-9, in Siem Reap, Cambodia. There it resolved to finish the new document before the year ends.


Unknown to most peoples of ASEAN (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam) there is now an on-going regional effort to come up with an "ASEAN Human Rights Declaration" or AHRD. Tasked with this initiative is the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).

The AICHR first convened for the AHRD early this year on Jan. 8-9, in Siem Reap, Cambodia. There it resolved to finish the new document before the year ends.

June 15, 2012

It's Independence Day once again. We ask as always when we salute the Flag that symbolizes our Nation: Are we really independent?

Have we been doomed by our own Act of Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino People that declared "independence" as a new Nation, but one under the protection of the United States of America which country in fact did not then recognize us?

It's Independence Day once again. We ask as always when we salute the Flag that symbolizes our Nation: Are we really independent?

Have we been doomed by our own Act of Proclamation of Independence of the Filipino People that declared "independence" as a new Nation, but one under the protection of the United States of America which country in fact did not then recognize us?

To add insult to injury, America then bought our country for $20 million dollars from Spain through the 1898 US-Spain Treaty of Paris--to the exclusion of the Philippines.

June 1, 2012

With the Chief Justice convicted by the Senate, President Aquino and his prosecution team have claimed victory. Concededly, despite all the defects in the articles of impeachment and the bungling of the prosecutors, they won the case. But then again, it was Corona himself in the end who "crowned" his own sorry fate by his unbecoming walkout and damaging admissions.

With the Chief Justice convicted by the Senate, President Aquino and his prosecution team have claimed victory. Concededly, despite all the defects in the articles of impeachment and the bungling of the prosecutors, they won the case. But then again, it was Corona himself in the end who "crowned" his own sorry fate by his unbecoming walkout and damaging admissions.

May 26, 2012

Finally, the five-month impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona will come to a close. Early next week, our senators-judges will render their verdict on whether or not Corona should be removed from office.

Of eight articles of impeachment the prosecution originally filed, only three remain. These are the charges for non-disclosure of assets and liabilities, bias for former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and the matter of the TRO by the Supreme Court against the Administration's travel ban on the former president. 

Certain legal precepts should guide our senators-judges--and by which we, the people, may also judge them.

Finally, the five-month impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona will come to a close. Early next week, our senators-judges will render their verdict on whether or not Corona should be removed from office.

Of eight articles of impeachment the prosecution originally filed, only three remain. These are the charges for non-disclosure of assets and liabilities, bias for former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and the matter of the TRO by the Supreme Court against the Administration's travel ban on the former president. 

May 19, 2012

In the corporate world or private business, when your boss makes a follow-up on your assigned task, you would be under extreme pressure to deliver. "Walang tulugan." (No sleeping until mission accomplished.) Or else, your performance evaluation and salary increase could be badly affected. Your future promotion could be in jeopardy, too. Any follow-up is in fact dreaded since it indicates delay, neglect, weakness, or outright failure on the job.

Moreover, you can't tell your boss that follow-ups are prohibited. Try that and you'll surely get fired.

In the corporate world or private business, when your boss makes a follow-up on your assigned task, you would be under extreme pressure to deliver. "Walang tulugan." (No sleeping until mission accomplished.) Or else, your performance evaluation and salary increase could be badly affected. Your future promotion could be in jeopardy, too. Any follow-up is in fact dreaded since it indicates delay, neglect, weakness, or outright failure on the job.

Moreover, you can't tell your boss that follow-ups are prohibited. Try that and you'll surely get fired.

May 16, 2012

There's been some renewed interest in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona with the "bombshell" testimony of Ombudsman Carpio-Morales. She presented the report to her of the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) on Corona's alleged dollar deposits amounting to $10 million.

And with her appearance according to prosecution sympathizers, lead defense counsel Justice Cuevas finally found his match. Cuevas has been making mincemeat of the prosecutors since the start of trial. But that is not so much because of his legal acumen and being a former Supreme Court justice. Rather, prosecutors came for trial ill-prepared.

There's been some renewed interest in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Corona with the "bombshell" testimony of Ombudsman Carpio-Morales. She presented the report to her of the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) on Corona's alleged dollar deposits amounting to $10 million.

May 5, 2012

In recent days, one gets to see on CNN our government's ad blast for "It's more fun in the Philippines!"

The cable-TV campaign is catchy. And it has been timed with the ADB 2012 conference on May 2-5, in Manila for first-hand reach through the foreign delegates and participants numbering over 4,000, which include ministers of finance and development, central bankers, private sector representatives, civil society and media.

To boot, it included an interview by CNN of President Aquino and his programs.

In recent days, one gets to see on CNN our government's ad blast for "It's more fun in the Philippines!"

The cable-TV campaign is catchy. And it has been timed with the ADB 2012 conference on May 2-5, in Manila for first-hand reach through the foreign delegates and participants numbering over 4,000, which include ministers of finance and development, central bankers, private sector representatives, civil society and media.

To boot, it included an interview by CNN of President Aquino and his programs.

April 19, 2012

This early, our country is undoubtedly in election mode already. People are into all the preparations for the May 13, 2013 elections. And with elections, like war, everything is fair game.

A consequence of this shift would be to sideline the on-going impeachment trial of the Chief Justice. It’s not about him anymore despite his having been demonized no end by the administration and further publicly condemned by no less than President Aquino himself. Verily, the impeachment has become a political reality show for senators who would be running for re-election: Alan Peter Cayetano, Francis Escudero, Gregorio Honasan, Loren Legarda, Antonio Trillanes 4th, and Aquilino Pimentel III.

This early, our country is undoubtedly in election mode already. People are into all the preparations for the May 13, 2013 elections. And with elections, like war, everything is fair game.

March 15, 2012

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

This was a line from Lord Acton that I used to hear as a child from my father during the dark days of Martial Law. That Marcos, who brazenly padlocked Congress and pulled in a subservient Supreme Court, had by then arrogated unto himself alone all the powers of government. Hence, the Marcos Dictatorship that lasted from 1972 to 1986 and together with it the destruction of our democratic institutions, silencing of the press, and the rape and plunder of the Nation’s wealth.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

This was a line from Lord Acton that I used to hear as a child from my father during the dark days of Martial Law. That Marcos, who brazenly padlocked Congress and pulled in a subservient Supreme Court, had by then arrogated unto himself alone all the powers of government. Hence, the Marcos Dictatorship that lasted from 1972 to 1986 and together with it the destruction of our democratic institutions, silencing of the press, and the rape and plunder of the Nation’s wealth.

February 24, 2012

“God is good! 16 UPCAT passers. Our previous max was 12.”

A text from my sister, Marivic Carpio-Bernido, high school principal of the Central Visayan Institute Foundation (CVIF) in Jagna, Bohol, where she and her husband Chris employ their revolutionary “Dynamic Learning Program” (DLP).


“God is good! 16 UPCAT passers. Our previous max was 12.”

A text from my sister, Marivic Carpio-Bernido, high school principal of the Central Visayan Institute Foundation (CVIF) in Jagna, Bohol, where she and her husband Chris employ their revolutionary “Dynamic Learning Program” (DLP).

February 19, 2012

In a speech in La Consolacion College in Manila, on Feb. 16, President Aquino yet again demonized Chief Justice Corona. He also went on to discuss the merits of the impeachment case in the Senate as to the SALNs and bank accounts of Corona.

Quite obviously, Aquino has disregarded our command as the Sovereign Filipino People expressed in our Constitution that it is the Senate, not the President, which “shall have the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment.” (Const., Art. XI, sec. 3[6])

In a speech in La Consolacion College in Manila, on Feb. 16, President Aquino yet again demonized Chief Justice Corona. He also went on to discuss the merits of the impeachment case in the Senate as to the SALNs and bank accounts of Corona.

Quite obviously, Aquino has disregarded our command as the Sovereign Filipino People expressed in our Constitution that it is the Senate, not the President, which “shall have the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment.” (Const., Art. XI, sec. 3[6])

February 14, 2012

President Aquino has challenged Chief Justice Corona to voluntarily open up his (Corona’s) alleged dollar accounts. But if you dare the other, why not start with your own self first?

The President can be the first to open up his own accounts, SALNs and ITRs. Then he can order the entire Executive Department to do likewise starting with his cabinet members—some of whom are already eyeing the 2013 elections. After all, transparency is his crown (“corona”) mantra of governance.

President Aquino has challenged Chief Justice Corona to voluntarily open up his (Corona’s) alleged dollar accounts. But if you dare the other, why not start with your own self first?

The President can be the first to open up his own accounts, SALNs and ITRs. Then he can order the entire Executive Department to do likewise starting with his cabinet members—some of whom are already eyeing the 2013 elections. After all, transparency is his crown (“corona”) mantra of governance.

February 7, 2012

Eleven days into the impeachment trial of CJ Corona, all that the house prosecutors have shown is that it is they who should be “impeached.” For what we’re seeing now is nothing but a zarzuela of “haste makes waste.”

Right from the start, the articles of impeachment were one rush job by a mob of congressmen led by the LP—the “lapdogs of the palace”.

Eleven days into the impeachment trial of CJ Corona, all that the house prosecutors have shown is that it is they who should be “impeached.” For what we’re seeing now is nothing but a zarzuela of “haste makes waste.”

Right from the start, the articles of impeachment were one rush job by a mob of congressmen led by the LP—the “lapdogs of the palace”.

January 19, 2012

Article II of the Articles of Impeachment against Chief Justice Renato Corona reads:


Much public debate and media propaganda have been heaped on this charge to the point of demonizing the Chief Justice with supposed ill-gotten wealth.

Article II of the Articles of Impeachment against Chief Justice Renato Corona reads:


Much public debate and media propaganda have been heaped on this charge to the point of demonizing the Chief Justice with supposed ill-gotten wealth.

January 5, 2012

“May the Lord grant comfort to the peoples of South-East Asia, particularly Thailand and the Philippines, who are still enduring grave hardships as a result of the recent floods,” our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI said in his Christmas message “Urbi et Orbi.”

“May the Lord grant comfort to the peoples of South-East Asia, particularly Thailand and the Philippines, who are still enduring grave hardships as a result of the recent floods,” our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI said in his Christmas message “Urbi et Orbi.”

The floods in Cagayan de Oro, Iligan City and other parts of Mindanao left over a thousand dead and scores of families homeless. We sympathize with the victims as we all send over whatever assistance we could muster.

December 7, 2011

President Aquinos’ continued tirades against our Supreme Court have hugged the headlines anew with the latest at the 1st National Criminal Justice Summit on Dec.5. But the president for his part has yet to report to his Boss his own responsibility for “executive justice.”

The administration of justice is not the exclusive domain of the courts. In fact, it is equally the job of the executive branch of our government. And if the president laments delayed justice, he might want to look first at his own executive agencies.

President Aquinos’ continued tirades against our Supreme Court have hugged the headlines anew with the latest at the 1st National Criminal Justice Summit on Dec.5. But the president for his part has yet to report to his Boss his own responsibility for “executive justice.”

The administration of justice is not the exclusive domain of the courts. In fact, it is equally the job of the executive branch of our government. And if the president laments delayed justice, he might want to look first at his own executive agencies.

November 29, 2011

Once again, our Nation is apparently in a dilemma on how a former president, now Gloria Arroyo, accused of a crime and arrested by virtue of an arrest warrant should be treated. Or simply put, where should she be detained pending judicial proceedings?

President Aquino was certainly right in dodging the question by stating that such matter is within the jurisdiction or power of the court that issued the warrant of arrest. His government’s job is to prosecute the case, that is, to present evidence to show guilt beyond reasonable doubt...

Once again, our Nation is apparently in a dilemma on how a former president, now Gloria Arroyo, accused of a crime and arrested by virtue of an arrest warrant should be treated. Or simply put, where should she be detained pending judicial proceedings?

President Aquino was certainly right in dodging the question by stating that such matter is within the jurisdiction or power of the court that issued the warrant of arrest. His government’s job is to prosecute the case, that is, to present evidence to show guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

July 20, 2011

On Monday, July 25, President Aquino will deliver his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) to the joint session of Congress. As his “boss”, we may very well also asses what truly the state of our nation is.

On Monday, July 25, President Aquino will deliver his second State of the Nation Address (SONA) to the joint session of Congress. As his “boss”, we may very well also asses what truly the state of our nation is.

We can look at our country in many different ways and we can draw insights from as many people as we can. For brevity, we offer four essential indicators: (1) Peace and order, (2) Governance, (3) Economy, and (4) Development and poverty alleviation.

July 14, 2011

“Pajero Bishops” - This is what media has portrayed the seven Catholic prelates who received financial assistance from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) during the GMA administration. But, the PCSO never gave out any Pajero

“Pajero Bishops” - This is what media has portrayed the seven Catholic prelates who received financial assistance from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) during the GMA administration. But, the PCSO never gave out any Pajero. What the bishops actually received was money that they then used to buy the vehicles they needed for charity missions in their respective dioceses.