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Content about Ampatuan, Maguindanao

November 23, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (Nov 23, 2011) – As if to remind the nation that  Maguindanao is still a hot spot of deep-seated conflicts, a bomb exploded along a highway leading to  the site of the gruesome Maguindanao massacre that is being commemorated today.

Hundreds were to flock to the massacre site for a mass and ceremonies to remember the 58 people who perished at the site 2 years ago.

The commemorative ceremonies proceeded without any untoward incidents...

MANILA, Philippines (Nov 23, 2011) – As if to remind the nation that  Maguindanao is still a hot spot of deep-seated conflicts, a bomb exploded along a highway leading to  the site of the gruesome Maguindanao massacre that is being commemorated today.

Hundreds were to flock to the massacre site for a mass and ceremonies to remember the 58 people who perished at the site 2 years ago.

The commemorative ceremonies proceeded without any untoward incidents.

July 18, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (July 18, 2011) - A cue from a Malacañang legal team that now assesses the “value and plausibility” of the allegations of two key witnesses is all the Department of Justice (DOJ) needs to start the formal investigation of  perceived massive election fraud in 2004 and 2007.

MANILA, Philippines (July 18, 2011) - A cue from a Malacañang legal team that now assesses the “value and plausibility” of the allegations of two key witnesses is all the Department of Justice (DOJ) needs to start the formal investigation of perceived massive election fraud in 2004 and 2007.

July 14, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Whatever hope Zaldy Ampatuan has to turn state witness against his clan in the Maguindanao massacre is quickly dashed as President Benigno Aquino III assured the families of the victims that this will not happen.

MANILA, Philippines - Whatever hope Zaldy Ampatuan has to turn state witness against his clan in the Maguindanao massacre is quickly dashed as President Benigno Aquino III assured the families of the victims that this will not happen.

The president met with the relatives of the massacre victims this afternoon.

July 13, 2011

MANILA Philippines (July 13, 2011) - Apparently disposed to unload all that he knows, Zaldy Ampatuan now claims that the former first couple ordered the manipulation of the results of the 2007 elections in his home province of Maguindanao - and he is willing to testify.

MANILA Philippines (July 13, 2011) - Apparently disposed to unload all that he knows, Zaldy Ampatuan now claims that the former first couple ordered the manipulation of the results of the 2007 elections in his home province of Maguindanao - and he is willing to testify.

July 4, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (July 4, 2011) - All restrictions on the testimonies of a member of Ampatuan 'private army' and 33 others are now lifted after the court junked  a plea from the defense questioning the witnesses' qualification to testify.

MANILA, Philippines (July 4, 2011) - All restrictions on the testimonies of a member of Ampatuan 'private army' and 33 others are now lifted after the court junked a plea from the defense questioning the witnesses' qualification to testify.

November 21, 2010

The Truth Commission should consider the report by Human Rights Watch on the Maguindanao Massacre and the Ampatuans and other warlords, which was released a few days ago. Entitled, “‘They Own the People’: The Ampatuans, State-Backed Militias, and Killings in the Southern Philippines,” the report also implicates former Pres. Macapagal-Arroyo...

“Have you found the truth?” I joked Atty. Cho-Choy Medina, a member of the Truth Commission, when I met him on Nov. 9, during our meeting of the Philippine Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism.“Not yet,” he replied.

Seriously though, the Truth Commission should consider the report by Human Rights Watch on the Maguindanao Massacre and the Ampatuans and other warlords, which was released a few days ago.