"ITO ANG PANATA KO: TAPUSIN ANG KAHIRAPAN." (This is my avowed mission: to end poverty.)"
To this Manny Villar's opponents quickly raise alarums given his multi-million peso advertising campaign vis-à-vis the C-5 controversy: all that money would be recovered through presidential influence, if not outright corruption. Hence, the joke now about "C-5 at Taga" as against his "Sipag at Tiyaga."
But that's pure speculation. And for so long as such campaign ads are legal, I don't think Manny should be prevented from spending his money in order to put his message across. That's freedom of speech and private property after all. On the other hand, those complaining should not act like cry babies lamenting their lack of funds and as if people were not intelligent enough to see through any ad.
Anyhow, a few years back, I wrote here that Manny Villar could be our next president given the rags-to-riches story of his life and astounding successes in elections. And it is undeniable that Villar is a leader who literally rose from the ground up, that is, from hard life in Tondo to becoming a self-made man and the country's housing czar, then congressman and Speaker, then senator and Senate President. In short, he has the track record for a good president.
We read "Why Manny Villar" (www.mannyvillar.com.ph): "... there are those who have been preparing most of their lives to gain the experiences and muster the strength to have what it takes to be a true leader. They are the ones who are truly prepared, who have done their homework, so to speak. They have the confidence and they have the tools and the capability to rise to the occasion. The inspiration they provide stems from their own lives, not from something bestowed upon by family background or circumstance."
Manny is "a self-made man, having built himself from scratch. He does not have a movie star's charisma to beguile the poor to vote for him. He does not rely on any distinguished pedigree or lineage to propel himself, because he really comes from humble origins. What he does have are concrete achievements as both entrepreneur and political figure. Powerful actions back up his inspiring words and programs, which is why you can believe in them."
In fighting poverty, "Manny Villar does not make promises alone. Although he has made poverty alleviation a top priority, he knows this is something that everyone, including the poor themselves, must strive for and work towards. He is just keeping it real and being honest about it."
"It is certainly important to eliminate corruption, especially those that happen in high places because they affect the most people. But equally important is the need to address the heart of poverty. And the inequitable distribution of wealth and access to it lies at the heart of this matter including his entrepreneurial revolution."
So, "C-5 at Taga" or "Sipag at Tiyaga." YOU DECIDE.