Bikol rice sector records growth in 2009

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sat, 01/16/2010 - 20:14

Pili, Camarines Sur (13 January) -- Despite the  adverse effects   brought about  by climate change  and global economic crisis  the Department of Agriculture  in Bikol   managed to sustain  the growth of the rice   sector in the region  in  2009 through timely interventions of the Department of Agriculture and its attached agencies and active support  of  some  dynamic local executives who put their stake in the sector and  through sheer determination and industry of the Bikolano farmers.

For 2009, a total  of  313, 762  hectares was planted  to rice,  an increase  of 23,044 hectares over 2008.  Subsequently an increase in production was also recorded from 997,581 metric tons to 1,023,215 metric tons or an increase of 2.56%.  However, a decrease in average yield per hectare was noted from 3.43 metric tons in the previous year to 3.26   metric tons this year due to the occurrence of calamities and effects of climate change and also due to the decline in fertilizer usage by farmers as a result of a spike in the price of this production input.  Still, the region maintained its 2008 sufficiency level of 99 percent.

The DA also intensified its Extension support through conduct of various trainings for farmers and   extension workers; technology transfer through technology demonstration and information dissemination using the tri-media and interpersonal communication.  The Palayamanan crop-mix approach using location specific technologies   for various ecosystems was also promoted providing livelihood opportunities for the community, increased income and productivity for farmer cooperators.

Other support services were likewise extended to individual farmers, local government units, and other institutions such as the conduct of soil analysis,   pest monitoring and surveillance and fertility mapping.

To help reduce post harvest losses a total of   56 flatbed dryers were already bidded for distribution to the proponents in the region. This is in addition to the 155 units   targeted for 2007-2008 but distributed in 2009.  A total of 17 mechanical dryers were also procured and operationalized through the NFA.

A total of  137,139 bags of certified seeds were distributed  to farmers during the year, 90% of these (123,324 bags)  were  for the regular  subsidy program and 10%  (13,713.9 bags)  were  under the quick recovery   program aimed to assist  farmers   whose  rice crops were totally damaged  by  typhoons for a total of 8,741 bags and  5,074 bags for  those  whose rice crops had chance of recovery.

Moreover, to help farmers recoup the   losses brought about by typhoons, the DA in collaboration with the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation implemented the insurance   premium subsidy scheme for August 1 to September 15 planting plus a 50% seed subsidy.    A total of 6,456 hectares    were covered benefiting 5,477 farmer beneficiaries.

Despite however,   the availability of a production loan package amounting to P100, 765 offered by the Land Bank of the Philippines, very few farmers availed of said credit assistance.  (Emily B. Bordado)