Like most Bikolanos, I was glued to the TV set last June 30 and in the process strained my eyes and numbed my fingers as I watched with bated breath who will be proclaimed the Big Winner of reality TV’s latest edition of Pinoy Big Brother.
You guessed it right: I was terribly hooked on the show as I try not to fail watching each episode every single night. Although, much as I would want to stay awake for the very late ‘Uplate’ with perky host Mariel Rodriguez, my body clock just would not cooperate probably due to age and sheer fatigue from an 8-5 work schedule.
Still, I make it a point to be updated with the housemates’ latest tasks or Big Brother’s punishments. I also secretly savor the budding romances developed inside as well as the bratty tantrums of some of the housemates and even the mindless intrigues, manipulations, and emotional maneuverings amongst the colorful housemates.
Through all these, Bea the Bikolana charmer positively stuck out from the rest not because she is from Bikol but to me, personally, because she is one cool gal and as a fellow Atenean, she truly reflected the typical mindset of a true blue Atenista – the rational, critical thinker who can be very cerebral in her discourses and arguments but can also rely on her gut feelings if the need arises. And she is also one prayerful person who never fails to seek guidance and protection from the One Above when things down here are getting awry and chaotic.
Even my husband commented once, upon accidentally watching Bea heatedly arguing with fellow housemate Maricris, that she reminds him of me when arguing with him because we have the same style – very precise, very logical, and not too overly emotional; in fact, very Atenista.
So come final night, I was one of thousands who were galvanized in front of our TV screens and on intervals, busily texting our votes so as to be counted in favor of our bet as the big winner.
I do not know now how many times I sent my text votes or even my husband’s because I encouraged him to help out. But what I do remember now was the feeling of anticipation of who will emerge as winner. It felt exhilarating yet dreadful at the same time because the suspense was endless.
And when all the votes were cast and the Big Winner triumphantly revealed to the live audience as well as those of us watching at home, a sense of catharsis completely enveloped one’s being. It was almost like a climax, a cleansing of a sort where all the tensions and pressures trapped inside oneself were suddenly released, like opening the floodgates of emotions.
The sense of vindication and conviction overwhelms one’s persona. The sense of victory is wondrously sweet in one’s taste buds. And the goose bumps start to sprout all over one’s body. Then, a sense of peace and fulfillment wraps your soul. Contentment at last!
I know now why there are peeping toms and stalkers in this world because for a short while – in its latest season – I was caught up in its hypnotic whirlpool of emotions.
Congratulations, Beatriz Imperial Saw. You truly epitomized the real, modern Bikolana and Atenista ka pa!
Oragon talaga.