It was the unanswered question of Pilate. Nowadays, not only does the question on the truth remain unsaid and unanswered, it has become the most sought after thing in this country.
The rallies that took place on the last day of February attested to this. Drawing thousands of people from all walks of life, from nearly all political affiliations (except from the besieged ones), and from various sectors, the assemblies of people that were held last Friday demanded that the truth be told. That the truth be set free.
People took to the streets to demand the truth about the anomalous ZTE-NBN deal. People wanted to be told the truth regarding the mind-boggling kickbacks, the involvement of GMA's husband, and the culpability of those who evaluated, endorsed, approved, and signed the flawed deal.
In the rally that took place at Naga City's Plaza Quezon, students and the youth asserted their right to the truth. Thought to be cocooned by apathy, the youth and student sector disproved this perception and loudly—and wildly—raised their voices against the suppression of truth.
The Ayala Avenue inter-faith rally was no different. Numbering in the thousands (accounts differ as to how many), people of varied religious persuasions joined in punctuating the rally’s din with moments of prayer: they prayed that the truth about corruption in government be proclaimed freely. They firmly urged that it not be stifled by EO 464 or by duplicitous legal procedures which only imprison the truth.
For her part, Mrs. Arroyo publicly declared that she is also against corruption and that her administration would persecute anyone guilty of it. Such a statement has a hollow ring after she had numerously lied in the past. The Rizal Day speech where she publicly declared her intention of not running in the presidential elections of 2004, the "Hello Garci" fiasco where she expressed a "lapse in judgment," are infamous examples. They discredit her and cast serious doubts on her avowals of having the truth be known.
Consequently, the rallies for truth will continue.
They would ask—more forcefully than the previous ones—that truth and its consequences be revealed. And what would this truth be? It would be that people cannot stomach this current regime of lies, duplicity, and deception any longer.
As the search and demand for it mounts, the truth becomes more and more perceptible: it is time for GMA and her cronies to go.