Act swiftly now on Maguindanao massacre

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Wed, 12/02/2009 - 13:15

The power of the media brought to our living rooms heart-rending images of the savagery that had been let loose by brutal men in a village of Maguindanao on hapless civilians including women and journalists.

We are shocked and appalled that such an act could be carried out in broad daylight with indescribable brazenness and effrontery, that it seemed the perpetrators were confident that they could not be made accountable for it.

We join our peace-loving countrymen-Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, the president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, the Archbishop of Cebu Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop Fernando Capalla of the Bishops Ulama Conference among them, and Muslim religious leaders, among them part of the National Ulama Conference of the Philippines-in condemning the Maguindanao massacre as a "crime against God and humanity; a crime against Allah and humanity." Cardinal Vidal pointed to the act as "unheard of and horrifying." Indeed, we add our voices to theirs in strong condemnation of this evil deed.

Such an act should not go unpunished; it cries out most vehemently for justice. This is a task that our government must attend to with utmost urgency and speed. The hearts of Filipinos who love peace and who adhere to democracy are restless and uneasy. After all, the victims were civilians performing a democratic task-participating in the democratic election process on the part of the local politicians and exercising freedom of the press on the part of the media people. The murders assault our democratic principles; they shatter our peace.

We call on the President to exert her leadership most forcefully in this regard so that this great wound on our national psyche and on our democratic institution be bandaged and brought to healing before it opens up into more tragic consequences. It is a responsibility she must face if she desires wholeness for her country and people.

We pray for all the victims, that God will give their souls eternal rest and peace. We offer our deepest sympathies to their families, and pray that God's loving embrace may comfort them in their moments of immeasurable grief; that they may find consolation and surcease in their faith.

We pray that the smoldering fire of hatred and anger among those who seek power through elected positions be doused with the water of peace and love, and commitment to genuine service and the common good.

Archbishop of Manila

Auxiliary Bishop of Manila

Auxiliary Bishop of Manila