
Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sat, 11/21/2009 - 20:21

We express support to the Regional Development Council which is headed by Albay Governor Joey Salceda for ordering the temporary suspension.of the Libmanan-Cabusao Dam Project, the controversial multi-million "promise". of Mrs.Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her son, Congressman Dato Arroyo to Libmanan farmers when Cong. Arroyo was just about to run for office.

The RDC suspension was issued in view of reported deviations to the proposed project, as well as to review its compliance to the environmental clearance certificate. Similarly, the suspension was enforced  "[to] look into the alleged complaints of various organizations concerning the possible threats such as flooding and displacements of families to be affected once the dam project is completed."

An independent study of the possible effects of Dato's dam was in fact conducted by the Institute for Environmental Conservation and Research (INECAR) of Ateneo de Naga University. Among the results of its research, according to INECAR director Dr. Emelina Regis, is that the potential benefits of the dam project are countered by the adverse direct impact to the towns of Lupi and Sipocot.

Bicol River Basin and Water Management Project (BRBWMP) Assistant Director Tomasito Monzon has of course belied these claims of INECAR. Monzon corrected INECAR's claim that the dam project costs Php 1.9 Billion, stating that it is only Php 700 Million. He also denied that 13 barangays of Lupi would be inundated because of the dam; instead, Monzon clarified that only eight villages would be submerged under water.

Further, Monzon also expounded on the immeasurable benefits of the dam project to the towns of Libmanan and Cabusao.

What Monzon and BRBWMP fail to address, however, are the issues which prompted the RDC to issue a suspension in order to review the dam project. Monzon's correction, for instance, that "only" eight barangays would be inundated instead of 13 is cold comfort to the residents of the eight barangays who were most probably not informed--much less, consulted--about the drastic consequences of Dato's dam.

Moreover, while Monzon keeps insisting on the benefits the dam would provide to Libmanan and Cabusao, he does not seem to be concerned with the residents of Lupi and Sipocot who themselves are not direct beneficiaries of the project. In other words, while the raw end of the dam deal is suffered by the people of Lupi and Sipocot, Monzon can only say that it would redound anyway to the good of Libmanan and Cabusao farmers.

It is thus propitious that the dam project is suspended for review. For those immediately in-charge of the project seem to be determined in implementing it, come hell or yes, high water.

Due this, we urge the RDC review team to be judicious in its efforts and shun white-washing the results of its probe. Lives are truly at stake here, and not just a promise made in order to win a seat in Congress.