“Human Speed Bump” in Stan Lee’s ‘Superhumans’ This Sunday

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sat, 02/01/2014 - 05:25

On GMA News TV this Sunday, superpowers made popular in comic books come to life in “Stan Lee’s Superhumans” – from the super strength of the ‘Human Speed Bump’, to the amazing agility of a real-life Spiderman.

In 2009 in Milan, nine trucks weighing a total of over 30,000 pounds ran over American body builder Tom Owen in quick succession, a feat most fitting for the man known as ‘The Human Speed Bump’. On this episode, host Daniel Browning-Smith witnesses firsthand this amazing spectacle of strength.

Tim Cridland, from the USA, claims to be able to switch off pain. His seemingly ‘superhuman’ ability to go beyond normal pain thresholds by impaling himself with skewers with little or no bleeding is extraordinary.

Derek Paravicini is a blind, autistic, 30-year-old British man with an incredible ‘superhuman’ gift. Derek can remember and accurately re-play any song he ever hears!

And Jyothi Raj, known as India’s very own ‘Spiderman’, is known to scale walls at an unbelievable speed. After discovering his spider-like climbing abilities, he started to push himself further by climbing higher and higher structures, always without a net or safety rope.

Dubbed in Filipino for Philippine free TV, “Stan Lee’s Superhumans” airs every Sunday at 4:45PM, on GMA News TV Channel 11.