Providential SC SQA on RH Law

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Thu, 03/21/2013 - 01:44

On March 19, Francis I was formally installed as our new Pope. This day is also the feast-day of St. Joseph. And in his homily, Pope Francis pointed out our mission in whatever station in life we may be to be like St. Joseph as a "protector" of life, of God's creation, our families and children, and everything under our care and responsibility.

On the same day, our Supreme Court issued an SQA or status quo ante order effective for 120 days suspending the implementation of the controversial RH or reproductive health law. Recall that this RH law was railroaded by Congress upon the personal intervention of President Aquino.

One fatal flaw in the RH law is state funding for contraceptives and other means of so-called family planning like condoms. For example, why should I, as a taxpayer, have my hard-earned money used by government to give out free condoms and contraceptives so that those who may use them can enjoy "pleasurable and safe sexual experiences"?

Sex is and should be a private affair and within the sacred bonds of marriage. And true responsible sex should not mean getting a free ride under the guise of "reproductive health."

More importantly, the RH law is an insidious, if not devilish, means of promoting abortion as to render it downright unconstitutional. Sec. 3 (j) of the law provides that "While this Act recognizes that abortion is illegal and punishable by law, the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortive complications and all other complications arising from pregnancy, labor and delivery and related issues shall be treated and counseled in a humane, nonjudgmental and compassionate manner in accordance with law and medical ethics."

It is basic in law that what cannot be done directly cannot also be done indirectly. Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per obliquum. True, RH advocates hammer on the fact that indeed the RH law does not repeal our criminal laws against abortion. But what they conveniently hide is the provision that the government will use our taxes to "ensure" post-abortion care for women procuring abortions.

Simply put, government is actually saying to everyone that pregnant women who decide by "free choice" following "reproductive health" principles to abort their babies may do so. And if there are any "post-abortive complications", government will take care of them at taxpayers' expense. Thus, sec. 4, para. q (3) of the RH law includes "management of post-abortion complications" as an "element" of "reproductive health care."

Indeed, it is also like saying murdering your unborn is fine; we'll take care of you if you have any problems. But let us never forget that our Constitution is clear that the State "shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception." (Art. II, sec. 12)

Thank heavens, we have the SQA.