HLI campaign counters Gates Foundation's bid to depopulate Asia, Africa

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sat, 07/14/2012 - 23:48

MANILA, July 13, 2012—The world’s largest international pro-life organization has launched a campaign to defend the rights of women, in response to yet another massive effort by the British government and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to carry out its depopulation agenda in developing nations.

Human Life International (HLI) has launched its “No Controversy?” campaign through a video that exposes the serious and documented dangers that contraceptives pose on the health of women. Featured in the video are young women from Asia and Africa – the focus of the BMGF’s project to flood the developing world with birth control supplies, including what it has called “lifesaving contraceptives.”

The “No Controversy?” title of the HLI campaign, the first part of which consists of a video zeroing in on the oft-ignored grave consequences of contraceptives on women’s health, is a spin on Melinda Gates’ “No Controversy” initiative that promotes global access to contraception.

Contraception is not controversial, she said, and asserted that population control, abortion, and forced sterilization have nothing to do with the international promotion of universal access to contraception.

Known for their stance that contraception and sterilization are the solutions to poverty, with Bill Gates saying in an interview that human depopulation is the answer to “global warming,” analysts have for a long time dwelt on the eugenicist direction that the couple’s foundation is taking.

Through www.FactsforMelindaGates.com/ — which also contains the HLI-produced video – it becomes clear that what Melinda Gates is persistently pushing as responsive to women’s needs is actually not what women need if their health and overall welfare are considered of prime importance.

“Miss Gates, did you know that many types of oral contraceptives are classified Group 1 carcinogens by the World Health Organization? How is this good for our health? How is this empowering?” ask the young women in the video.

Two young Filipino women — Anna Cosio and Nicole Bautista, both consistent pro-life, pro-family advocates — got their voices heard, appearing in the video and addressing Melinda Gates about her “contraceptives are no controversial” notion and about what women truly need.

The British government with other nations and organizations plus the BMGF, have pledged some $4 billion to spread birth control in developing countries like the Philippines, with $1 billion being donated by the BMGF alone.

An ongoing London Summit on Family Planning hosted primarily by the UK government, the BMGF and UNFPA is being held to get more nations on the bandwagon so as to generate additional funds to put 120 more poor women in developing countries on birth control.

Life and family advocates in the Philippines have been continuously working to uphold women and children’s rights amid decades-long foreign pressure to carry out government-mandated programs for “reproductive health” care services — the latest of which is a controversial legislative measure that proposes a taxpayer-funded procurement, promotion and distribution of birth control drugs and devices.

Included in the P13.7 billion- measure called the “Reproductive Health” (RH) bill is a six-year comprehensive sex education program for all schools, and mandatory provision or reproductive health care services for employers.

The bill is pending in both chambers of Congress. (CBCP for Life)