Going the extra mile

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sun, 09/27/2009 - 01:34

Mar has accepted Noynoy's offer to run for vice president under the Liberal Party. But this is anything but definite. It was actually the only logical thing to do for Mar after he gave way to Noynoy in a purely internal affair within the LP. And I maintain that to push through with such an exclusive tandem would be a tragic blunder for 2010. Hence, as the days go by Mar may have to go the extra mile, that is, give up his slot in favor of someone else from other parties like Nene Pimentel of the PDP-Laban.

On this note, the LP may well consider two things: first, the LP on its own will not win in 2010; second-and more important-the LP does not have the exclusive domain or "copyright," as it were, to People Power as well as the "L" Laban sign. If you notice, other parties and groups supporting Noynoy have already been making their voices heard, especially against opportunist former Corystas. And people will surely be turned off by the LP's hubris now as it even boasts of a Mar presidency after Noynoy-one at a time please. Thus, I strongly believe that Noynoy must have a running mate outside the LP who should be no other than Nene Pimentel.

As I mentioned two weeks ago, the renaissance of People Power for Noynoy naturally requires consistency with what Ninoy and Cory had led. A towering figure for that is Sen. Nene Pimentel who has kept the faith all these years. He will also complement Noynoy as an elder statesman. Nene had been through it all with Ninoy and Cory, and he has fought on up to this day as Senate Minority Leader. And for geographical representation, Nene is from Mindanao. So also, Nene's PDP-Laban is well grounded in Mindanao where the LP hardly has a presence.

Nevertheless, other possibilities for vice president would include Manny Villar of the Nacionalista Party-if ever he decides to sacrifice as well for Noynoy. After all, Villar's NP used to be headed by Doy Laurel who gave way to Cory back in 1986. Villar represents what "Sipag at Tiyaga" can do for our people, especially with massive grinding poverty remaining our number one problem in the country. Of course, that's on the assumption that Villar would turn out to be clean despite allegations to the contrary.

Another would be Chiz Escudero who's been all quiet about his plans in the face of Noynoy's unexpected surge. Chiz has strong backing from the youth, and he could well complement Noynoy in harnessing youth power, so to speak. After all, the future belongs to our youth.

In fine, it was graceful for Mar to accept Noynoy's offer, but he may have to go the extra mile for opposition unity under Noynoy.

Let's see.