PGMA inaugurates Legoil in Albay

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 12:32

LEGAZPI CITY - - President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo led the inauguration rites of the upgraded facilities of the Legazpi Oil (LegOil) Company Inc. coconut - processing plant in barangay Arimbay here on Thurs. (Aug. 13).

At the plant's administration building, Mrs. Arroyo assisted by the LegOil chair, Josefa Aquino, CIIF president and CEO Jesus Arranza, Albay Gov. Joey Sarte Salceda and Legazpi City, Mayor Noel Rosal lead the ceremonial switch-on in synch with the start of the mechanical dumping of delivered copra to the plant warehouse.

A MalacaƱang source here said, that early this year the national government through the assistance of President Arroyo and the Philippine Commission on Good Government (PCGG) had infused dome P 100 - Million in funds for the rehabilitation and installation of modern plant facility.

Three years ago, the LegOil had stopped operation due to heavy damages sustained by the plant, as an effect of two strong typhoons that hit the region.

Currently, the processing facilities for oil milling and solvent extraction were refurbished and started operations this year, contributing some 300 metric-ton daily (MTD) crushing capacity, 100 MTD for refining, and 100 MTD for deodorizing.

The LegOil also houses copra and pellet warehouses, crude coconut oil, edible oil storage tanks, and loading facilities for processed oil and three pier/wharf.(Sonny Sales)