Rosales seeks dialogue with Arroyo over CARP extension

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 13:00

MANILA --Dissatisfied with the lawmakers’ handling of the call for agrarian reform, Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales is bringing the issue right on President Arroyo’s doorstep.

Rosales is seeking a dialogue with Mrs. Arroyo on the issue of extending the life of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) which expired last December.

In a letter to the President, the Church leader said the dialogue would also include Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and House Speaker Prospero Nograles.

“I am seeking a dialogue with you, with the Senate President and the House Speaker to discuss the prospects and plans for the pending CARPER bills,” Rosales in his letter dated Feb. 21, 2009.

The Manila archbishop sought a meeting with Mrs. Arroyo out of concern for the farmers who were disenfranchised because of the failure of the Congress to pass a measure extending CARP

The Congress instead passed a resolution “extending” CARP for six months but removed the “compulsory acquisition clause,” which is the essence of the program.

Catholic bishops have said the Joint Resolution 19 is meant to kill land distribution efforts.

Rosales said it is quite unfortunate that both the House of Representatives and the Senate have yet to calendar the plenary discussions of House Bill 4077 and Senate Bill 2666.

This time, the cardinal is hoping that the country’s lawmakers won’t fail the farmers as he urged them to take time to really study and discuss the said two proposed measures.

“I pray that our lawmakers would not sit on these bills and wait for May or June of this year before they start deliberations. Far be it that they would again fail the hope of the farmers,” said Rosales.

“As the season of Lent ushers in, I sincerely pray that the farmers would not carry the cross of injustice. Our savior, Jesus Christ, died on the cross so that no one, especially not the poor and powerless in our midst, would be crucified ever again,” he added.

The bishops have been calling on the legislators to approve the extension of CARP with reforms in order to allow the completion of distribution of the remaining 1.8 hectares of ‘CARPable’ lands to farmers. (Roy Lagarde)