Pope reiterates appeal for release of Italian hostage

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sat, 06/27/2009 - 12:27

MANILA, June 25, 2009-Pope Benedict XVI made an appeal again on Wednesday to the Abu Sayyaf to release their one remaining hostaged Red Cross volunteer.

Marking the Red Cross's 150th anniversary, the pontiff appealed at the end of his general audience in Vatican for the release of people held hostage in areas of conflict.

He particularly mentioned Eugenio Vagni, an Italian Red Cross worker held hostage by Islamic militants in Mindanao.

"I also take advantage of this moment", Benedict XVI concluded, "to ask for the release of all people held hostage in areas of conflict and, once again, for the release of Eugenio Vagni, Red Cross worker in the Philippines".

Excerpts of his call were posted on the Vatican Information Service website (www.vatican.va)

Vagni, 62, and his two fellow International Committee of the Red Cross aid workers were kidnapped while on a humanitarian mission in Jolo on January 15.

The militant group, which has ties to al-Qaeda, freed his Swiss and Filipino companions in April.

Government efforts to negotiate Vagni's release show no sign of progress so far but military sources believe the hostage is still alive. (Roy Lagarde)