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UNEP Grad School Holds Environment Workshop

Aside from its steadfast campaign for quality education, the management of the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) is also known for its staunch stand in protecting our environment. Just recently, UNEP's Association of Graduate Studies conducted an Integration Workshop concerning the Waras-Lalo Integrated Watershed Management Framework. The activity was held at Marioli's Resto and Grill at San Francisco, Iriga City.

The main objective of the activity is to raise the awareness of the stakeholders on the importance of the watershed, specially the significance of people's participation in the conservation and protection of the natural resources in their respective communities.

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 192  and as stated on the Regional Memorandum Order of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), it is clearly mandated that local communities' capabilities should be strengthened, particularly those within the Libmanan Pulantuna Watershed.

DENR Regional Technical Director Pobleo M. Florece, also UPWMP Regional Focal Person said in an interview that the protection of the watershed is of utmost importance in the preservation of our remaining resources.

"We cannot just stare at the vanishing forest covers, more so watch the destruction of our environment without doing anything. We also have our watersheds that need our protection. It is very important that we take our role seriously and oblige ourselves as keepers of these resources."

Director Florece is also thankful that the UNEP management is in full support of the said activity.

"I would like to extend my gratitude to the UNEP Community, especially to Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Moraleda, the young and dynamic President of this university for fully supporting activities geared towards the protection of our environment, such as this one.  It would indeed be a great help that our students know the battle that we're fighting to keep our environment intact and safe from destruction, Florece added.

Some of the topics discussed during the workshop were the Concept of Integrated Watershed Management Framework presented by Mr. Teodoro B. Saños.  Engineer Jonas Florece also enlightened the participants on his technical presentation of Rinconada Base Maps while Architect Benedicto A. Mirasol presented the programs, including the issues and concerns of local government units, specifically the Rinconada Municipalities and Iriga City.  (Lizel S. Macatangay)