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Sexual Abuse Crisis Not Over, Says Italian Cardinal

Statement during the General Assembly of the Italian Episcopate

ROME, MAY 25, 2011- The sexual abuse of minors by clergymen is "a wicked emergency not yet overcome," according to the Italian Episcopal Conference president.

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, who is also the archbishop of Genoa, said this Monday, May 23, as he opened the 63rd General Assembly of the conference, under way in Rome.

The sexual abuse of minors, he said, "causes incalculable harm to young lives and their families, to whom we do not cease to show our pain and solidarity."

"We cannot compromise the integrity of our priests no matter what the cost," he said. "Just one case in this realm would be too much. When the cases then repeat themselves, the laceration is unspeakable and the humiliation total."

"However the shadows, even the gravest and most painful, cannot darken the good that exists," the cardinal continued, confirming his "esteem and gratitude to our clergy who spend themselves with fidelity, sacrifice and joy, in the care of the Christian community."

The cardinal then promised that guidelines on preventing and handling sexual abuse cases will soon be completed for Italy.

The archbishop of Genoa spoke out against pedophilia earlier this month after the arrest of Father Riccardo Seppia, a parish priest in the Genoa archdiocese, on sex abuse and drug charges. 


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