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No cause to panic yet about Saudization - OWWA

NAGA CITY  (July 12, 2011) –  Applicants for domestic works in Saudi Arabia need not panic at this time because Saudization is not yet implemented and, if ever, Arab employers still have the prerogative on who to hire and many prefer Filipino workers.

This was the assurance of Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) Region 5 to those who applied for work in Saudi Arabia.

According to OWWA Region 5 Communication Officer Bernard John Bonnet, their office is still approving travels of household job applicants to Saudi Arabia amid reports that the Saudi government shall stop hiring Filipino workers because of the high minimum salary that the Philippine government wants imposed.

Bonnet said the policy has been imposed already by the Saudi government but still the employers have the prerogative on who to hire  and many still choose Filipino workers because of their work attitude and expertise.

The Bicol Region is one of the regions in the country that has a very large population of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) in Saudi Arabia and will bear the brunt of total implementation of Saudization.

Saudization is the policy of Saudi Arabia to prioritize Saudi nationals in hiring employees particularly those in low-skill jobs like household works. (Noriel Oya)