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Jaro prelate prays for truth in Corona impeachment case

MANILA, Feb. 21, 2012—“I am praying that the Philippine Senate as an impeachment court against Chief Justice Renato Corona will unravel the “truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

This was the statement of Jaro Auxiliary Bishop Gerardo Alminaza, head convenor of the Visayas Clergy Discernment Group (VCDG) as the impeachment trial against the chief justice marked its first month, last February 18.

Noting that the Church will celebrate the Year of Faith with the motto “Living truth in charity” the Jaro prelate said he is praying with the pope “for truth to be held supreme…”

“Since God is love, truth is expressed in charity, and charity in turn reveals the truth,” said Alminaza, adding that he prays that the [impeachment] court “[would] be vigilant and prevent any attempt to suppress, hide or dilute the whole truth.”

The bishop expressed hopes that the senator-judges, as elected servants, will look at the truth from the point of view of the people, whom they promised to serve.

“Therefore, I am praying that they become aware of any personal, political or other vested interests that might becloud their lenses as jurists,” he said.

Also praying for a swift trial and a just verdict, Alminaza likewise asked the Lord that the Impeachment Tribunal headed by Senator Juan Ponce Enrile would come up with the decision that is “objective and pro-people”.

He also prayed for the legislators, especially those serving as prosecutors of Corona, to be able to return to their work as lawmakers and enact bills that are “for the Common Good [and] passed after sufficient study, and with reasonable speed”. [Noel Sales Barcelona/CBCPNews]