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Alay Kapwa Program launches the National Lenten Campaign simultaneously in three regions

For the first time, the Alay Kapwa (AK) Program of the CBCP-NASSA launches its National Lenten Campaign simultaneously in three Dioceses, one from each of the three regions in the Philippines. This year, 2013 the theme is “CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES OF STEWARDSHIP IN THE YEAR OF FAITH.”

The hosting Dioceses are: Diocese of Digos (from Mindanao region) which will launch the Lenten Campaign on February 15, 2013; Diocese of Catarman (from Visayas Region) which will launch on February 13-15, with a series of activities; while Diocese of Caceres (Naga, Luzon) will launch the campaign on February 20.

The change of hosting from one Diocese to three Dioceses was agreed during the 36th National Social Action General Assembly (NASAGA) held last August 2012 in Zambales City. This is strategically regulated for two main reasons.

First, with a total of 86 Dioceses in the Philippines, if only one Diocese will host the launching per year, it will take years for all our Dioceses to host the event, not to mention to host again. Since 1975 (the year Alay Kapwa Program was created) only 20 Dioceses were recorded to have hosted the campaign. To bridge the gap, it was recommended by the CBCP-NASSA National Director, Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D., that the National Launching should be held by region. This way, the Alay Kapwa Program’s promotion and campaign can be widened and strengthened at a shorter time, through the hosting by more dioceses.

Secondly, regarding the number of Dioceses that will attend the event, it has been observed that only the neighboring Dioceses of the host attended the launching. If launched in the Mindanao Region, no Dioceses from Visayas or Luzon went to the gathering. The same is applied to Luzon or Visayas areas. Thus, there is a need for a regional hosting to ensure wider participation and wider understanding of the Lenten campaign.

It is anticipated that through this new approach, more faithful will be reached to respond to the AK mission of evangelization.

The Lenten Campaign comes with a booklet of modules for facilitating reflection and social action (for the FORMATIONAL aspect of Alay Kapwa) and a Lenten Box for collection of sacrifices as expression of charity and solidarity (for the FINANCIAL aspect) from Parishes in all Dioceses, as well as Catholic schools and institutions in Metro Manila.

About Alay Kapwa (AK):

Alay Kapwa Program is the Lenten Evangelization-Action Program of the Philippine Catholic Church created by the Catholic bishops in 1975. As the Social Action Ministry of the CBCP, NASSA takes charge of the implementation as part of its commitment to transform a society enlivened by the Gospel values of justice and peace, and love of our brothers and sisters in Christ with preferential option for the poor and the oppressed.

Alay Kapwa means offering (alay) to our neighbor (kapwa) who we are and what we have, as an expression of our solidarity in their plight towards integral salvation. Christ’s death on the cross has been the guiding strength to offer oneself to others in sharing one’s time, talent and treasure.

The National Launching of Alay Kapwa originated as National Lenten Campaign with two objectives. First is FORMATIONAL: it intends to deepen the mission of evangelization of every faithful especially in his/ her tasks to renew the society that promotes justice, equality, peace, truth and love for the common good. Second is FINANCIAL: to relate the message of the formational campaign with the spirit of sharing and sacrifice inspired by Lent, collection taken up at the end of the season reflects concrete response and solidarity action of the faithful with the poor and needy. Contributions are utilized to support and sustained social action initiatives on emergency responses and disaster management, peace advocacy, good governance, sustainable agriculture and other development concerns.

Every year, Alay Kapwa banners different themes in relation to the complexity of events that depicts our time. For this year 2013, “CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES OF STEWARDSHIP IN THE YEAR OF FAITH” is formulated based on the three references: (i) last year’s Alay Kapwa theme “Stewardship is Discipleship”, (ii) this year’s celebration of the Year of Faith, and (iii) by reading the signs of the times. This Year of Faith, we are always reminded that “Faith without action is dead” (James 2:26). This “action” signifies our mission as Stewards. This dictates us to embrace and practice stewardship as our way of life and as our response to the challenges that our Church is struggling with and advocating for.

17 January 2013
Alay Kapwa Program ([email protected])