9 minors rescued from human traffickers in CamSur

NAGA CITY (13 January 2011)- - NINE MINORS mostly from remote villages of San Jose and Goa towns in the 4th district of Camarines Sur province were rescued  by joint police units of the Provincial Police Office, Police Public Safety Company, PNP Regional Intelligence Unit, the Police Women and Children Provincial Desk, and an official of the regional “Anti-trafficking task force” last January 11.

The “human-traffickers” were on a van along the Maharlika Highway in Milaor, Camarines Sur bound for Manila when the joint-force personnel intercepted them.

In a press briefing last January 12, Camarines Sur police director Sr. Supt. Jonathan Ablang identified the notorious illegal recruiter and “human trafficker” as Vivencia Sarzuelo Respeto, 38; together with her was the van owner Danilo Pesico Relloso, 48, both residents of Goa, Camarines Sur.

The two drivers with Respeto and Relloso were identified as  Alfredo Delos Santos Osela, 49, and Nestor Eva Baltilo, 53, residents of Cagaycay, Goa and Mapanag, San Jose, respectively.

Ablang said the apprehension of the group who were bringing nine minors to Bulacan,  Pampanga and Tarlac was a result of a tip from an informant and a surveillance operation conducted during the last three months.

The police provincial director disclosedd that a case in Zambales province in which female minors were involved in the death of Australian national revealed that they were illegally recruited in Partido, Camarines Sur.

Ablang added that the suspect is only one among several “human traffickers” bringing minors to Region 3 and forcing them in cheap-labor employment or even prostitution after their impoverished parents are left some cash by the traffickers.

The minors are reportedly recruited in remote municipal villages in Camarines Sur and Albay province, and promised good jobs in local agri-industries while the teenage girls were told they will be employed as sales ladies.

The traffickers are even reported to get commissions from the salaries of the recruited minors.

PO3 Lilybeth  Pascual of  the Women and Children Provincial Desk said that a case against Respeto and Relloso for violation of “Anti-Trafficking of Persons Act of 2003” or (RA- 9208) have been filed before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office in Naga City on Wed. (Jan. 12).

The two other drivers allegedly consented to be witnesses against the suspects in the said case. (SONNY SALES)