Cardinal Tagle leads silent prayers for victims of Paris attacks

Submitted by Vox Bikol on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 05:55

MANILA, Nov. 14, 2015— Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle on Saturday led thousands of people in prayer for the victims of the terror attacks in Paris, France.

The cardinal paused for 40 seconds of silent prayer for “the victims of violence” in Paris in his homily during the closing Mass for the 3rd CBCP Basic Ecclesial Communities National Assembly in Pasay City.

He told more than 10,000 BEC leaders, workers and volunteers gathered at the Cuneta Astrodome that the Church joins the whole world in “sadness and in shock”.

“We cannot isolate ourselves from what is happening in different parts of the world… the constant violence and battles and this morning the news of what happened in Paris,” Tagle said.

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Catholics attending the BEC National Assembly closing Mass take part in a prayer for the victims of Paris attacks. (R. Lagarde/CBCPNews)

“Let us unite ourselves with the many people who are suffering and the victims of violence. We pray for their families and we pray for their countries,” he added.

At least 127 people were killed in a series of terror attacks across Paris.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the coordinated attacks in what could be the worst terror attack in France’s history.

At the Vatican, Pope Francis has also condemned the attacks, saying that “there is no religious or human justification for it.”

“This is not human,” he said.

The Vatican Radio said the Pope made the statement in a telephone interview with TV2000, the Italian Bishops’ Conference official television network.

“I am close to the people of France, to the families of the victims, and I am praying for all of them,” Pope Francis said.  “I am moved and I am saddened. I do not understand, these things hard to understand.”

The Pope has also called the attacks in Paris “a piece” of the “piecemeal Third World War.” (Roy Lagarde/CBCPNews)